Big. Vision. Moves.

June 14, 2019

The faculty or state of being able to see. The ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. This is the definition of vision. What does the process of getting sober mean to you? Personally, I did not get sober to strictly maintain the ability to keep mind altering substances out of my body. I got sober to utilize the tool of abstinence and catapult my life into a reality that I previously could not see. In essence, I was blinded by drugs and alcohol only to have the veil lifted from my eyes revealing a world previously foreign to me. I have regained my vision. But what am I to do with this new found sense? It sounds like an opportunity to make moves.

At Alpha 180, we talk a lot about “the vision,” teaching the new guys to begin thinking of themselves as capable, inspired individuals. To me, it’s making constant forward progress, having direction, and growing closer towards a spirit of my understanding. This is the exact opposite of what I was doing while I was committing a slow suicide with drugs. These are the principles that have been instilled in me through living in a community like Alpha 180. A great beauty of this community is we are making these moves, not only as individuals, but together. Communities and the members within them need direction. This is why the mantra “Big. Vision. Moves.” intertwines so beautifully with collegiate recovery. We are young people with a new found vision, surrounded by others living through similar principles, who have our entire life to pursue our biggest dreams and aspirations.

The purpose in all of this seems clear: To get my act together and live a happy and fulfilling life. There is a much greater calling to all of this though; the biggest vision move of them all. To help others lift the veil off of their face and welcome them into a life beyond their wildest dreams. Together in the recovery community, collegiate recovery programs, and definitely at Alpha 180, there is great joy to be had witnessing the transformational power and incredible miracle of the recovery process. Through the power of community, individuals in recovery go on to make Big. Vision. Moves.

By Andrew W.